Monday, September 24, 2018

ChocoBerry Tart

This was my birthday cake this year 😁 chocolate cake filled with blueberry ganache, topped with milk chocolate cream and garnished with blueberry and white chocolate ganache yumm 😋 another level of yummyness 😀

Brownies Square

Gegara lagi buka-buka facebook, di wall ada postingan terbaru dari joy of baking which is video the making of brownies square, jadi kepingin bikin deh 😀 kebetulan stock per-baking-an masih kumplit 😜 tapi memang seperti biasa ada beberapa ingredients yang

Bolu Ketan Hitam Kukus

Hmmm awal muasal kenal cake ini karena my best friend sering bikin and after I tasted it, I'm curious to make it myself tapppiiiii seperti biasa kebiasaan males selalu takeover 😜